It is funny how God has so many different ways to speak to us.
In my case so often it is through nature.

Recently whilst I was on a prayer walk through the forest, I saw a massive tree that was uprooted. The root was huge and was in no way connected anymore with the ground.
When I looked at it I was stunned, how dead it was.
I havent thought about it in the past until that moment when I realised that when a tree is no longer connected with the earth, it is DEAD.
Makes sense if we look how trees were made.
In Genesis 1:12 God says that the EARTH brought forth the tree.
And so it is, the earth is connected with the tree through its entire lifetime.
Like the earth is connected with the tree, we are connected to God.
In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a dream of a tree that scared him.
He called magicians, astrologers and soothsayers and told them their dream.
But they were not able to interpret it.
Only prophet Daniel was able to.
The tree that Nebuchadnezzar dreamt about represented himself.
Like the tree in his dream, Nebuchadnezzar has become great and strong; so much that his greatness has grown to reach the sky, and his dominion extended to the ends of the earth.
In the dream, the tree was then cut down and destroyed.
However, the stump with its roots was left in the ground.
Daniel prophezided:
“As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules. Therefore, may my advice be pleasing to you, O king. Break away from your sins by doing what is right, and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed. Perhaps there will be an extension of your prosperity.” - Daniel 4:26-27
One year later, the dream came to pass.
Nebuchadnezzar was driven from men.
He spent seven times in the wild, was eating grass and lived like an animal.
At the end of the days he lifted up his eyes unto heaven.
His understanding returned unto him.
He blessed the most High.
He praised and honoured him.
Nebuchadnezzar realised that it is God’s credit for all that he has (or has not).
As soon as he became humble and realised this, he was enthroned over his kingdom again.
Are we not all like king Nebuchadnezzar?
We can become so ungrateful, self-centred and proud.
Someone has to get us off our high horse.
Sadly we often only become humble, when we experience losses, pain and loneliness.
In our powerlessness we might even feel angry towards God for what we experience.
In our ignorance we might feel envious for what other people have that we don't.
Although bad things happen to us over and over again, God doesn't just leave us.
Like the tree in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, things in our life can get cut down and destroyed.
The stump though, is still there.
The roots are still in the ground.
They will remain there as long as the tree lives.
So do we remain connected to God as long as we live.
Whether we feel it or not.
How connected do you feel to God today?
Do you feel you have to change something in your attitude to draw closer to him and to grow more?
Remember: out of a stump, a new tree can grow.
And like we are connected to God, we should also remain connected.
Feel free to send me your thoughts or feedback by e-mail to
Blessings and Love
Nicole Joy
